Kiev Startup Week: The place to be for tech entrepreneurs and investors from Ukraine and beyond

6 марта 2015

Kiev Startup Week: The place to be for tech entrepreneurs and investors from Ukraine and beyond

Next month startup entrepreneurs and investors from Ukraine and beyond will gather at the Kiev Startup Week(April 14-19), a series of events held in the Ukrainian capital. One of them is iForum, a key conference on the Eastern European IT scene with more than 5,000 of Internet entrepreneurs and business people attending each year.

Entrepreneurs will be able to present their projects at ‘Pirates on Shore’ (April 14) – with a chance to win a pass to Cologne’s Pirate Summit in September, – or in a more classic format at the Investor Pitch session (April 16)

Investors, too, will pitch to entrepreneurs via the Reverse Pitch (April 17).

On April 15 and 17, the Startup Safari will provide a unique opportunity to meet startups, accelerators, incubators, VCs, and co-working spaces which will open their doors and organise events in their offices all over the city.

With Garage48, Kiev will become the place to be for those who want to change the world. Intended for both students and seasoned specialists, this 48-hour hackathon aims to create 10 to 15 new Internet or mobile services.

Kiev Startup Week is organized by BVU Group partnership with Ukraine Digital News.



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